
What do you want from the VCQI User's Group?
Terminée Verrouilléee En cours
Hi everyone! Happy start of summertime.

I am pleased to find so many members here and would love to hear what people would like to find here or experience when you visit the VCQI User's Group.

We can tailor some new materials/posts/videos/files to suit whatever interests are expressed here most commonly.

What would be helpful to you?

Thank you for your input,



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  1. il y a 5 ans
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Hi Dale ..

I really enjoyed looking at VCQI and using it for demo data provided .

But seems ( and probably most in this group ) that we are challenged to use it for national raw data ( many files need to be prepared , set , then run it ) .

More steo wise examples could help !

Thank You
  1. il y a 5 ans
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Dear Rhoda !

Could we discuss in details some calculations that done in John Wagai's lecture related to weighting in vaccination coverage.

Thank you in advance.
  1. il y a 5 ans
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Hi everyone, great to see so much enthusiasm for VCQI in this group. I just wanted to say that if you have any technical problems using this group (logging in, accessing group material, etc.) or you have suggestions for how to improve the functionality, please let me know. We are looking to improve the groups tool (TechNet-21 mobile app is coming) so your feedback would be appreciated. Many thanks.

Dan Brigden
Technical Officer
Expanded Programme on Immunization
World Health Organisation
  1. il y a 5 ans
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Step-wise examples...and weighting calculations...yes...we can do those. I am thinking of showing some examples using a small, classic 30x7 survey. Perhaps we could provide some step-wise demos to make that survey compatible with VCQI. And yes, Dr. Arman, we can look at John's presentation in detail and expand on the material there. We could look at the material in the weighting annex of the 2018 manual at the same time. I will coordinate with John about how to best proceed on that.
  1. il y a 5 ans
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Hi Dale,
In order to run VCQI, what about those of us working with an operating system other than *Windows, any idea ?
  1. il y a 5 ans
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Hi Alain,

Nice to hear from you. Other operating systems should not be an obstacle. Stata can run on Windows, MacOS or Linux. You do need a paid license...and you need v14 or v15.

I usually run it under Windows, but I know that John Wagai runs it on MAC OS sometimes.

  1. il y a 4 ans
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Thank you Dale,
I will definitely check the MacOS options available.
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