Article de revue

Bhorugram (India): revisited. A 4 year follow-up of a computer-based information system for distributed MCH services.

Impact of a health informatics research project on the management and delivery of primary health care- focusing on maternal and child health care (MCH)- was reported earlier in 1992- with encouraging results in terms of increased antenatal care coverage and decrease in Immunisation drop-outs. The software (MCHS) was based on essential data sets (EDS) to assist the care providers in information management for MCH care. The site was revisited after four years to evaluate the status of the project and to ascertain whether computers were still in use and was the dispensary staff using the MCHS package or not? The results are presented in this paper to demonstrate that 'information is a difference that makes a difference'. Information generated by the MCHS acted as a catalyst for behavioural change in the community from indifferent users to active users of the health care services. This is reflected by the increased acceptance of antenatal care- 80% fully immunised child (FIC) and participation in other primary he


  • Anglais

Année de publication



International journal of medical informatics




Article de revue


  • Données


  • Inde


  • ICT

Régions de l'OMS

  • Région de l'Asie du Sud-Est

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Ajouté le: 2023-06-21 01:51:10

Consultations: 660

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Singh et al. - 1997 - Bhorugram India revisited. A 4 year follow-up of a computer-based information system for distributed MCH service.pdf

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