Article de revue


The costing tool enables the user to estimate the value of incremental (additional) resources required to add oral cholera vaccination campaigns to an existing immunization programme. The CholTool is designed for costing from a payer/provider perspective, and can make the perspective narrower or broader within the viewpoint. For example, the payer/provider may be defined narrowly as the EPI department within a ministry, or it could be broadened to a government perspective. it can also include the perspective of an external partner such as the WHO. The perspective is applied to determine which costs are included in the analysis and how included costs are considered as financial and economic. The CholTool calculates both financial and economic costs. The CholTool provides estimates of two cost measures: 1) total costs of adding the OCV to specific areas; and 2) cost per fully immunized person. It differentiates recurrent (operational) and capital costs as well as financial and economic costs. It also presents expenditures required for initial investments required for the OCV vaccine introduction.


  • Anglais


Human Vaccines & Immunotherapeutics




Article de revue


  • Gestion de programme


  • Choléra

Ajouté par: Haika Kimambo

Ajouté le: 2023-01-14 06:59:27

Consultations: 534