Mardi 19 Octobre 2010
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Dear Friends, More than 225 Rag pckers, Door to door garbage collectore and News paper howkers were administered FREE INTRADERMAL preventive vaccination ( Pre-prophylaxis) on World Rabies Day 2010 at State Intradermal antirabies Clinic and research centre, Shimla, Himachal Pradesh, India. ( Some Photos Attached, I may send some more). On this occasion training to implement new guidelines by WHO was also imparted to more than 51 doctors and paramedical staff from all the 12 distrcits of the state including two tribal districts of Himachal bordering China. I take this opportunity to thank Technet21, vaccine companies, APCRI and WRD for all their support in this endeavour. Regards, Dr. Omesh Kumar Bharti M.B.B.S.,D.H.M.,M.A.E.(Epidemiology) Directorate of Health Safety and Regulation, SHIMLA, Himachal Pradesh, India. +91-9418120302 [[email protected]][email protected][/email] ---
13 years ago
This is excellent news that the Indian rag pickers are getting vaccinations. It would be hard to think of a more unhealthy environment for anybody to work in. I don't know of any epidemiological data on disease incidence or prevalence in rag pickers but if there were we would probably be surprised. There was a study a few years ago that showed that rag pickers were getting five needle stick per day while they looked for used syringes to recycle. Has anyone considered also offering tetanus, hepatitis A, hepatitis B, and typhoid vaccines to rag pickers? These vaccines are all extremely inexpensive and rag pickers much be among this highest risk groups. Just a thought.James, with thanks to Francois Gasse
13 years ago
We recently published a study on Needlestick injuries among sanitation workers in Mexico City that might be relevant: Robert T. Chen MD MA Leader, HIV Vaccine and Special Studies Team CDC/DHAP/EB Tel: 404-639-3755 E-mail: [[email protected]][email protected][/email]
13 years ago
Dear Moderator, I was overwhelmed to see James response on the idea of prevetive vaccination to rag pickers nd garbage collectors. Its not a question of rabies but for even basic vaccines like DPT, TT and Measles. The most neglected section of the society is doing most environment friendly work by segrigating the waste and then taking it to appropriate places. They are the true embessadors of environment, the criticism of them recycling waste to the market is a overreaction for not doing anything for them. Here are some of the comments about them in Indian media for your reference..... Have you ever noticed the rag pickers who daily forage into the garbage bin near your house? They are the people responsible for cleaning most of the stuff we throw in our garbage! Chances are you have never noticed these rag pickers, but these poorest of the poor rag pickers are the ones who not only clean our dirt but do more. Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle are 3 Rs for energy conservation and environment. And the 3rd R, Recycle, is taken care of by these ragpickers! Dr. Omesh Kumar Bharti M.B.B.S.,D.H.M.,M.A.E.(Epidemiology) Directorate of Health Safety and Regulation, SHIMLA, Himachal Pradesh, India. +91-9418120302 [[email protected]][email protected][/email]
13 years ago
Thank you Omesh. It is a wonderful job done addressing the high risk population. Nagaraj
13 years ago
Thanks Dr. Nagraj, Actually there is a very interesting story behind how this all happened and I would like to share that with Technet readers because the entire expenditure of more than Rs. 40,000 ($1000) was born by none. We started a low cost intradermal antirabies clinic on Oct 2, 2008 in Shimla and by now more than 6000 people, many of them poor have been given post- exosure prophylaxis with Anti rabies vaccine (ARV) saving lives and more than Rs. 1.2 crors ($277500 ) of poor patients. We did this with a pooling technique, that is on first visit a patient is asked to bring one vial of ARV and we tell him that rest of shots he will get free; suppose there are four persons, all of them bring one vial of ARV, we share one vial among all of them and then keep rest of the three vials for use next time among all the four and so on till all the four shots are over. Now the real surprise starts, we were able to save one drop of ARV in each vial and to our surprise we found that we have accumulated more than 100 vials of vaccine with one drop adding all these two years! Now what to do with these vials lest they expire, we decided to vaccinate the rag pickers and garbage collectors of the Shimla city free of cost with these vials and that's how this idea of preventive vaccination was born and symbolises to bring in focus the deprived and those who are at constant risk of disease due to needle stick injuries and dog bites.... Thanks to all of you for all the encouragement.... Dr. Omesh Kumar Bharti M.B.B.S.,D.H.M.,M.A.E.(Epidemiology) Directorate of Health Safety and Regulation, SHIMLA, Himachal Pradesh, India. +91-9418120302 [[email protected]][email protected][/email]
13 years ago
It is simply excellent. Also a combination of honesty, sincerity, scientific mind, innovation and commitment to the people. Congratulation to Dr. Bharti and his team of heavenly beautiful Himachal Pradesh.
13 years ago
Dear Dr Omesh, Thanks for sharing this. Much appreciated. All the best, Anar Dr Anar Ulikpan National Consultant on Health Management and SWAp Third Health Sector Development Project, ADB Ministry of Health, Mongolia
12 years ago
Thanks, I hope it would show a way to others, may be !
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