Jeudi 19 Mars 2015
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Well-planned, adequately funded communications affect the success of immunization services and are particularly needed to achieve vaccination coverage goals and maintain trust in vaccines. A communications plan and its activities – such as media briefings, stakeholder engagement, and social mobilization – all should be guided by research findings, carefully planned, and systematically implemented, integrated within the overall immunization programme plan or vaccine introduction plan. To support the addition of IPV to a national immunization programme, this Communications Planning Guide offers a range of checklists, tools, templates, examples and best practices, to support the effective planning and implementation of communication activities associated with IPV and related efforts to strengthen routine services. The contents should be adapted to local contexts as applicable. The Communications Planning Guide is available through this page of the website dedicated to objective 2 of the Polio Eradication and Endgame Strategic Plan 2013-2018.
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