Mercredi 27 Mai 2015
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Dear All,

Please find attached the article recently published on cost projections of DoV.

The costing analysis examines the vaccine costs, supply chain costs, and service delivery costs of immunization programs for routine immunization and for supplemental immunization activities (SIAs) for vaccines related to 18 antigens in 94 countries across the decade, 2011–2020.

The analysis shows that the delivery of the full vaccination program across 94 countries would cost a total of $62 billion (95% uncertainty range: $43–$87 billion) over the decade, including $51 billion($34–$73 billion) for routine immunization and $11 billion ($7–$17 billion) for SIAs. More than half of these costs stem from service delivery at $34 billion ($21–$51 billion)—with an additional $24 billion($13–$41 billion) in vaccine costs and $4 billion ($3–$5 billion) in supply chain costs.

The study, financed by BMGF, has been conducted by Johns Hopkins and University of Pittsburgh.

Best regards,


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