vendredi 14 mai 2021
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  4.2K Visits

This month, the Health Information Systems Programme (HISP) at the University of Oslo will host the first in a series of quarterly webinars focused on the use of DHIS2 for immunization programs. The HISP network collaborates with The World Health Organization, UNICEF, and Gavi on developing and implementing tools and resources to improve national immunization program coverage through better data collection, analysis and use. Our immunization webinar series will highlight relevant topics and real-world use cases from this ongoing collaboration with the goal of sharing experiences, resources and best practices with EPI program managers and other key stakeholders.

For the first webinar in this series, we will discuss COVID-19 Vaccine Delivery: Innovations & challenges for monitoring coverage. This webinar will take place on Wednesday, 26 May, from 14:00-15:00 Oslo time (GMT+2).To attend, register through our online form.

For more details about the DHIS2 COVID-19 Vaccine Delivery Toolkit, visit our website:

We hope you can join us!

Max Krafft
Training & Communication Group Lead
Department of Informatics
University of Oslo

3 years ago

To support the Francophone community, we have now added a version of this DHIS2 for Immunization webinar in French. The event will take place on Monday 7 June from 14:30-15:30 UTC. Registration is available through our online form.


La distribution des vaccins anti-COVID-19

Innovations & défis pour une meilleure couverture vaccinale

Lundi 7 juin, 14:30 T.U

Ce webinaire portera sur la conception des packages DHIS2 approuvés par l’OMS et sur les leçons tirées à partir d’implémentations concrètes, et ce, pour la mise à l’échelle de la gestion de la couverture vaccinale anti-COVID-19 ainsi que pour le renforcement des systèmes de vaccination nationaux intégrés.

Inscrivez-vous sur notre formulaire en ligne ici



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