Vendredi 4 Novembre 2011
  1 Replies
  3.9K Visits
PATH is investigating the potential of low-cost, post-market modifications to improve the performance of domestic refrigerators for vaccine storage, as an intermediate step to procurement of a WHO PQS pre-qualified vaccine refrigerator. We would like to learn more about the use of domestic vaccine refrigerators in immunization programs. If you have recent experience either with procurement or management of cold chain equipment in a country, please take a few minutes to complete 5 questions in an anonymous survey at Survey Monkey: Domestic Vaccine Refrigerator Questionnaire
12 years ago
I looked at the survey and can't answer all but will ask around here in Mali. I do know of several NGO's here who use domestic "solar" refrigerators in their Solar PV installations for clinics, and will check with the procurement person here at the MoH to see if they are using domestic models, what brands, and to what degree. The main retrofit for all fridges here, even used in households, is an extra fan added externally to blow on the compressor. Without it, relays go out very quickly due to the high temperatures of the operating environment (often over 110 Deg F in the shade here).
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