Dimanche 10 Janvier 2010
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Many thanks to Tasnim Partapuri for sharing this information from the The Communication Initiative website. Every year since 2006, the World Health Organization (WHO) has dedicated one week in April to raising awareness about the importance of immunization as a public health strategy in Europe. [2010 EIW dates: April 24 - May 1]. Each year, EIW draws on a variety of in-person and virtual connection spaces for sharing information and generating support for vaccination. For the 2009 EIW, WHO leveraged internet-based viral techniques and social media to advocate for immunization: an animated YouTube video aims to spread the EIW message by word-of-mouth (virally) online as well as drive traffic to an informational website. Social networking sites Facebook, BKontakte, and Studivz are used to reinforce the message. Contact: [[email protected]][email protected][/email] OR Dr. Rebecca Martin [[email protected]][email protected][/email] http://www.comminit.com/en/node/290524/292
14 years ago
Dear Moderator, It is great news that you have a week in EUROPE for immunisation, may god give this opportunity to have a week for immunisation in India, apart from pulse polio immunisation.Everybody is busy with polio immunisation, not with routine immunisation in India, especially we need attention for routine immunisation in North east and central India. Thanks, Dr. Omesh Kumar BhartiM.B.B.S.,D.H.M.,M.A.E.(Epidemiology)Directorate of Health Safety and Regulation, Himachal Pradesh+91-9418120302[[email protected]][email protected][/email]; [email protected]
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