Mardi 9 Juin 2015
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Dear TechNet members:

As a public-private partnership, Gavi believes the private sector can play a key role in advancing its mission to save children's lives and protecting people’s health by increasing access to immunisation.

To helpus identify where and how the private sector can best support its mission in innovative ways that are sustainable and scalable, we would appreciate your time in answering a short survey that will provide us valuable information on how you believe the private sector is best suited to help us reach more children with life-saving vaccines.

The survey should only take 10-15 minutes to complete and can be accessed here:

The information you provide will help Gavi assess where to invest its resources to bring private sector support country-led endeavours. Your answers will be anonymous.

Thank you in advance for taking the time to provide valuable feedback to us

Gavi Secretariat, Private Sector partnerships team

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