Jeudi 30 Juin 2011
  3 Replies
  6.6K Visits
Any updates about how soon we may see HiB and Pneumococcal vaccines included in the national immunization schedule of India? What stage are the efforts of the government in this regard?
12 years ago
GoI is introducing Penatvalent (Hib+HepB+DPT) in Tamil Nadu and Kerala and hopefully by end of the year these states will start vaccination using penta vaccine. We need to wiat for Pneumo, though...
12 years ago
Dear Sir, After lot of controversy and a court case pending, I wish to know if government of India is prepared to do a detailed analysis of pre pentavalent and post pentavalent immunization coverage assessment, no of AEFI nad also costs involved and issues of technoogy transfer to Indian Public Sector Units and costs that need to put in after GAVI withdraws support. Thanks,
12 years ago
You can refer to the National vaccine policy, GoI, April 2011. It addresses most of your queries.
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