Lundi 18 Octobre 2010
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Dear Sir,  We are one of the companies in INDIA making WHO approved cold Chain equipment.  We have a clear policy " Minimum order quantity in 1 nos of any Product"  If you require Ice packs and Vaccine Carriers please do let us know and we would be able supply you your required quantity.  Please go through our website ( and if any product interest you please let me know.  Regards  Regards  Munjal Kothari  ________________________________________________________  Blowkings  53-C Mittal Court ,Nariman Point ,Mumbai 400021 INDIA  Tel:+91-(0)22-22840120 (Tel:+91-(0)22-22840120), Fax:+91-(0)22-22831412  Email:[[email protected]][email protected][/email]  (Panna Group of Companies) Established since 1971  Passive Cold Chain system Specialist  ________________________________________________________ 
13 years ago
We developed a simple method of freeze prevention. The method involves the placing of wet towels between the vaccines and the ice packs. The phase change "coolth" absorbing properties of the wet towel keep the ice packs from freezing the vaccines.  Freezing can also be prevented by placing insulation between the ice packs and the vaccines. However, with this method there is poor thermal coupling between the ice packs and the stored vaccines, which results in the vaccines warming up more rapidly when the ice packs are partially melted. The wet towel method will keep the vaccines colder longer.  We carried out some tests to measure the effectiveness of the wet towel method and found it quite effective. The tests consisted of placing -15C ice packs in an insulated envelope. The ice pack was separated from a temperature probe by a wet towel and the temperature of the probe was monitored. The probe stayed above freezing.  Feel free to contact us if you need additional information.  Larry Schlussler, PhD  Sun Frost
13 years ago
I am part of a Dartmouth engineering group working on redesigning ice packs for small vaccine carriers. Our intention is to eliminate the need for ice pack defrosting, and ensure vaccines are never subjected to freezing temperatures. We plan to achieve this through a two chambered ice pack design. One chamber would contain ice, while the other would be filled with tap water.  Our research indicates that nobody has investigated such a design, and that cold water packs are the only alternative to ice packs that have been researched. Is anyone familiar with other ice pack designs? Any information would be helpful.  Furthermore, we are having difficulty sourcing vaccine carriers and ice packs. These products appear to be produced in India, and only sold in bulk. If anyone knows of where to source vaccine carrier equipment within the U.S., that would be a huge help.  Thank you!  Merritt Jenkins
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