Mardi 27 Septembre 2016
  4 Replies
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Dear viewers

Please go through the attached PPT which may contribute to better the quality of service delivery. The illustrations are just a fraction of the tip of an iceberg. We daily receive such illustrations from the field.

We wish to share the PPT presented on 21st Sep 2016 in the regular Academic society meeting which dramatically and to a large extent solved the longstanding high risk vaccination practices of “prescribing antigen” which aberrated the schedule. Vaccines prescribed had no known potency as they had no VVM.

This is happening currently in many of the private medical colleges / teaching institutions / tertiary care centers. Magnitude of aberrations is directly proportional to the number of specialists / super specialists as expressed by a District Health Officer of a Good performing district whose FIC is lowered by the private sector. Failing to appreciate the hazy, delicate transitional zone between the realms of different levels of health care services by the academicians may cause loss to the beneficiaries.

Me and the participants thank the presenter very much for presenting in an effective and lucid way with illustrations of aberrated schedules from "n+1" number of Medical Colleges and private sector. Similar practice in RNTCP produces MDR and XDR tuberculosis, drug resistant malaria with high case fatality rate.

"PRESCRIBING"thedue antigens,considering"ANTIGENS as ANTIBIOTICS"on child to child basis depicts"secondary care"approach and . The concept was made very clear that vaccination is for specific protection - in the realm of"PRIMARY CARE PREVENTION"served to the beneficiaries mainly through the grass-root level workers who were symbolically felicitated in the meeting for their dedicated work by the Medical Director - a tribute to all those who are providing such services in the field throughout the country. Task responsibility of ensuring administration of vaccines with known potency as depicted by the VVM by the service provider was aptly emphasized.

As promised in the last Academic society meeting, a template of edited Combo-card with immunization schedule depicting both the National - state specific schedule and optional vaccines was handed over to the Medical director for further needful. This Combo-card was appreciated by Geneva and recommended all private service providers to follow."Charity begins at home"we have printed and released the same in the last year - now edited as 2 fractional doses of IPV to be administered in Karnataka anduse of Rotavirus Vaccine will be extended shortlyto other states in the second phase.

IAP being a strong supporter and stakeholder, all medical colleges / teaching institutions / tertiary care centers can certainly strengthen the Govtin achieving higher coverage to attain the Goals and objectives set for 2020 by the GVAP [Global Vaccination Action Plan] and promote child health.

Many of the viewers have either regulate the policy & or development partners and consultants can do wonders in effectively implementing the programme to serve the children with quality.



7 years ago

Dear Sir

Thanks for the response.

Two fractional doses of IPV are administered in Karnataka since April 2016 according to the end game strategy of Polio eradication. District workshops were conducted in March 2016 prior to implementation. Representatives from Medical Colleges were invited to participate and we got the literature from the resource persons. District authorities will be happy to share the literature with Medical Colleges.

About the introduction of Rota virus vaccine: As narrated in the latest edition of RI Handbook for Medical Officers; in the first phase it is introduced in 4 states including Andhra - the neighboring state. Since we have to print the Combo-card in bulk, we included it in our college in the NIS, or else we may have to waste and reprint in the near future; till such time we personally advocate the beneficiaries as the next candidate vaccine while providing vaccination service.

with best regards


7 years ago

You are welcome sir. Kindly share this with Routie Immunization and Child health lovers and promoters in your college and peers.


7 years ago

Thanks Dr. Hola, This can be a very good research paper for publication in great journal for knowledge sharing.



7 years ago

Dear Dr. Holla, Pl;ease send us details of  "2 fractional doses of IPV to be administered in Karnataka anduse of Rotavirus Vaccine will be extended shortly to other states in the second phase"


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