Mardi 17 Mai 2011
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The national vaccine policy draft, submitted by the government in the Delhi High Court recently, strongly favours inclusion of new vaccines in the Universal Immunisation Programme of the country. The court had sought the draft from the Centre last year in a petition against introduction of new vaccines in the immunisation programme. The court has scheduled the next hearing for May 11. The petitioners, comprising public health activists and paediatricians, have called the draft misguided and industry-friendly. The policy draft favours introducing new vaccines in the universal immunisation programme (UIP) without doing a cost-benefit analysis and substantiating it with proper scientific evidence to suggest the prevalence of the diseases, says N Raghuram, former secretary, Society for Scientific Values, an association of scientists in Delhi. “Half-truths are being deployed to convince policymakers to include pentavalent vaccine in UIP,” says Gopal Dabade of Drug Action Forum, a non-profit in Karnataka. Dabade had filed the petition in 2009 Read more; Thanks, Dr. Omesh K Bharti, India
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