Lundi 13 Juin 2016
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The WHO UNICEF immunization Supply Chain Hub (iSC Hub)has released a new temperature monitoring website hosted on TechNet-21.

A stringent system for temperature surveillance is essential to maintain the quality of the vaccines in an effective Supply Chain. By preventing vaccine exposure to freezing or hot temperatures in the cold chain, a functioning temperature monitoring system helps ensuring vaccine potency, avoiding both wasting vaccine investments (notably through reducing closed vial wastage) and potentially placing children at risk of contracting vaccine preventable diseases.

This new areaof the TechNet-21 website stresses that effective surveillance depends on the development of a system of accountabilities, processes and equipment (in this order or importance) in order to ensure that temperature excursions are detected and that appropriate corrective measures are taken to avoid damage to the vaccines.

This website presents technical and programmatic information on available solutions to maintain vaccines in adequate temperature range at fixed storage and brings forward country experiences both on the use of 30DTR devices and RTM technologies. It aims at:

  • Providing decision makers and stakeholders with pragmatic step-by-step guidance and material to build a Temperature Monitoring system;

  • Encouraging experience sharing in order to leverage good practices and useful tools among countries and partners wanting to introduce or to update systematic temperature monitoring based on some of the technologies described.

You can access the website through the following link:

We hope you will find it useful and look forward to any feedback you may have.

Adama E. Sawadogo

Lead of the iSC Hub Strategic Focus Area

On temperature monitoring

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