Mardi 6 Mai 2014
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2013 saw the emerging of the People that Deliver(PtD) Initiative, with funding for a modest secretariat, housed at the UNICEF Supply Division, secured through UNFPA, UNICEF SD and USAID on the 31st December 2014. An Executive Manager began in Jun 2013, a strategic plan was finalised, an aspirational operational plan was established and key activities have been undertaken. March 2014 is the midway point of the current term of the PtD Executive Manager and a poignant time to provide a summary of PtD's progress towards its four strategic goals, as it seeks to for fulfil its mission: ‘to build global and national capacity to implement evidence-based approaches to plan, finance, develop, support and retain the national workforces needed for the effective, efficient and sustainable management of health supply chains.’ Click here to read the progress report, or copy the following URL into your browser:
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