Dimanche 6 Novembre 2005
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POST 00852E : COMBINATION VACCINES, LYOPHILIZED VACCINES, DILUENTS AND VVMS Follow-up on Post 00847E 6 November 2005 _____________________________________ This posting contains three contributions. Michel Zaffran's request did not elicitate a tremendous response unless TechNet wasn't copied. The first is from Garry Presthus (mailto:[email protected]) from Nigeria, who is against the proposal. Then Bob Davis (mailto:[email protected]) from UNICEF/ESARO develops an argument from economic concerns. Finally Anthony Battersby (mailto:[email protected]) from the United Kingdom is asking an interesting question. _____________________________________ Michel , Please do not implement such a policy. My advice is simple : NON. I realize there may be situtations where what is proposed would be seen as a good thing but I think the downside is much greater. VVM have worked very well for Polio here in Nigeria. But there is a measles campaign coming up and in spite of the fact the VVM comes off when the vaccine is mixed I am afraid some people will think as long as the VVM is OK the reconstituted Measles vaccine is good. As you know Measles vaccine has in the past killed children because it was kept too long after mixing with diluent. Caio, Garry Presthus Team Leader Polio Compass Abuja Nigeria ---------------------------------- Michel/Claude, This is one of those sticky questions which get stickier as we move into Phase 2 of GAVI, with all which that implies in terms of African gov'ts coming up with cofinancing for vaccines which they thought were going to get cheaper before the end of 100 percent external financing. Here in Nairobi, we work just down the road from Dr Tata Kamau, the KEPI director, who does not cease to describe pentavalent as an albatross around her cash-strapped neck. Even 10 percent wastage on her pentavalent translates into
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