Samedi 25 Août 2007
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POST 01147E : QUESTIONS ON OPV Follow-up on Posts 01128E and 01139E 25 August 2007 ________________________________ André Yaméogo is commenting the issue further here below. ________________________________ Hello! I would like to thank you all for your contributions regarding my concerns with the risk of interference between OPVm and OPVt which could eventually make the OPVm less effective. I fully agree with you that administering several doses can only strengthen immunity and a mass campaign should not be a reason to stop routine vaccination. So long as the risk of interference between OPVm and OPVt is lower, there is no need to change the approach. I must admit that I had in mind that we could administer all other routine EPI vaccines with the exception of OPVt to children aged 0-11 months, who would have already received OPVm during SIAs and resume OPVt after, thus ensuring protection against type 2 and 3. I must mention that our current protocol consists of door-to-door OPVm vaccination of children under the age of 5, identification of target children for routine EPI and their orientation at fixed vaccination posts for follow-up by the routine EPI team that operates progressively with door-to-door teams. This means that both types are administered within the same day, in any case within the three days of the campaign at the latest. Once again thank you all for your contributions and information about the rescheduling of GAVI funds for support of eradication efforts. With the evolution of the epidemics during the course of 2007 in DRC , I think these funds will be most welcome. Kind regards. Dr André YAMEOGO, MD MSc. RH ______________________________________________________________________________ All members of the TechNet21 e-Forum are invited to send comments on any posting or to use the forum to raise a new discussion or request technical information in relation to immunization services. The comments made in this forum are the sole responsibility of the writers and do not in any way mean that they are endorsed by any of the organizations and agencies to which the authors may belong. ______________________________________________________________________________ Visit the TECHNET21 Website at You will find instructions to subscribe, a direct access to archives, links to reference documents and other features. ______________________________________________________________________________ To UNSUBSCRIBE, send a message to : [[email protected]][email protected][/email] Leave the subject area BLANK In the message body, write unsubscribe TECHNET21E ______________________________________________________________________________ The World Health Organization and UNICEF support TechNet21. The TechNet21 e-Forum is a communication/information tool for generation of ideas on how to improve immunization services. It is moderated by Claude Letarte and is hosted in cooperation with the Centre de coopération internationale en santé et développement, Québec, Canada ( ______________________________________________________________________________
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