Mercredi 26 Mars 2008
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POST 01245E: MAKING RESPONSIBLE CHOICES FOR PUBLIC HEALTH 26 MARCH 2008 ******************************************* The New York Times reports a “highly unusual outbreak of measles” in San Diego among 12 children, nine of whom had not been vaccinated. If in countries in transition it is the lack of education and poverty that inhibits parents from getting their children vaccinated, in industrialized countries it is belief in concepts like natural health that comes in the way. Ironically, in these countries, the success of immunization has resulted in parents ‘perceiving the risk of vaccine but not the risk of disease’. This brings to the fore the debate about personal choices and responsibilities towards public health. Where does personal freedom end and social responsibility begin? To read the entire article click here: Public Health Risk Seen as Parents Reject Vaccines Post generated using Mail2Forum (
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