Mardi 23 Septembre 2008
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POST 01326E: FUTURE COLD CHAIN TRENDS FOLLOW-UP ON POST 01325E 23 SEPTEMBER 2008 ******************************************* Thanks for the update. This is knowledge worthy being updated, which otherwise I and most of my colleagues in the program did not have. Continue with these efforts as we search more on the same Thanks Rouden Esau Mkisi ([[email protected]][email protected][/email]) -------- Hello all, Good to hear new innovations. With larger cold chain you need: 1. more space 2. more electricity 3. more transportation 4. at the out reach large VC means additional resources to transport vaccines Any cost estimation carried out? Any estimation for electricity load and additional load calculated and its cost impact on over all cost of immunization? Regards Anil Varshney ([[email protected]][email protected][/email]) Post generated using Mail2Forum (
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