Lundi 6 Octobre 2008
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POST 01331E: WHO INVENTORY OF TRAINING AND REFERENCE MATERIALS FOR NEW VACCINES INTRODUCTION 6 OCTOBER 2008 ******************************************* Dear All, Please see attached, an "Inventory of Training and Reference Materials for New Vaccines Introduction" that WHO has been compiling with input from partners. Please note that this is a starting list of materials that we have so far, to gather all the knowledge available to assist countries in the introduction of new vaccines. We welcome your input on additional relevant materials that could contribute to this list, as this will be a live working document, which will be updated regularly and posted on our website ( Please note that not all documents are published by WHO, and we are not responsible for the contents of documents that are not published by us. Kind regards, Hemanthi Dassanayake Nicolas ([[email protected]][email protected][/email]) Technical Officer 
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