Mardi 20 Janvier 2009
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POST 01376E: HEALTH METRICS NETWORK 20 JANUARY 2009 ****************************************** In the context of our earlier post on data accuracy (POST 01375E), it is also important to have efficient and reliable information systems. Health Metrics Network (HMN) is a global partnership among developing countries, multilateral and bilateral agencies, foundations, other global health partnerships and technical experts to facilitate availability of better health information at country, regional and global levels. The network seeks to bring together health and statistical constituencies in order to build capacity and expertise and enhance the availability, quality, dissemination and use of data for decision-making. Some of the tools and publications available on the website include the following: 1. [[email protected]][email protected][/email] ([[email protected]][email protected][/email]) 2. Assessing the National Health Information System: An Assessment Tool National HIS strengthening must start with a broad-based assessment of the system’s own environment and organization, responsibilities, roles and relationships; and of the technical challenges of specific data requirements in order to: allow objective baseline and follow-up evaluations – assessment findings should therefore be comparable over time; inform stakeholders – for example, of aspects of the HIS with which they may not be familiar; build consensus around the priority needs for health information system strengthening; and mobilize joint technical and financial support for the implementation of a national HIS strategic plan – with indications of the priority investments in the short term (1–2 years), intermediate term (3–9 years) and long term (10 years and beyond). 3. HMN Architecture for National Health Information Systems (HIS) [pdf 431kb] The third edition of the HMN Framework will contain the next level of technical elaboration for HIS strengthening activities. HMN is researching the appropriateness and adaptability of the discipline of enterprise architecture as an approach that might contribute to this work. This paper describes our current thinking on an architectural approach to HIS strengthening. Post generated using Mail2Forum (
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