Dimanche 8 Février 2009
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POST 01386E: TRAINING IN SUPPORTIVE SUPERVISION 8 FEBRUARY 2009 ****************************************** Tasnim Partapuri ([email=%[email protected]%3E]%[email protected]%3E[/email]) of ImmunizationBasics shares tools for supportive supervision training with TechNet21 readers. These tools have been prepared for EPI personnel in India but could be adapted for use elsewhere. The tools include: 1. Supportive Supervision for Strengthening Immunization in India: Guidelines for Program Managers 2. Electronic template for entering data and for generating reports 3. Film providing overview of supportive supervision: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NbXA9eqYhbk A big thank you to her. The files are fairly bulky and if you have a problem with downloading, the material could also be accessed on a CD. I invite TechNet21 readers to share any training tools that they may have prepared for use in their country. We could consider having a training tool bank (on the website) along other immunization support tools that are being used in the field. This could also include communications and advocacy material like posters and films. Post generated using Mail2Forum (http://www.mail2forum.com)
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