Jeudi 26 Mars 2009
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POST 01407E: EPI IN LEBANON 26 March 2009 ****************************************** Dear all, Greetings from Lebanon... This is to kindly share with you, as I promised, (the) EPI documentary and a TV spot that Ministry of Public Health has produced, knowing that they are both being translated and subtitled so that a wider target could have an idea about EPI in Lebanon. Worth mentioning also that Lebanon has got the Certificate in Cold Chain... and this was due to the effort of EPI at Ministry of Public Health and the great support of both WHO and UNICEF. Hope to be able to share with you other EPI pertinent matters that might be of interest. Best regards, Randa Hamadeh ([[email protected]][email protected][/email]), MPH, CMC Immunization & Essential Drug Programs Manager Ministry of Public Health - Beirut-Lebanon -------- The EPI documentary has been subsequently translated and was released by H.E. minister of health , H.E. minister of Information, and H.E. WHO regional director, Dr. Houssein Jazaiiri, and in the presence of WRs and UNICEF representatives and can be accessed also through the ministry website on the following link: under health promotion and then under EPI. Thank you Randa Hamadeh for sharing these media tools with TechNet21 readers. Congratulations on the EVSM certification. Post generated using Mail2Forum ( ##text## ##text##
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