Samedi 28 Mars 2009
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POST 01408E: NEW PACK-ANIMAL TRANSPORTABLE SOLAR-POWERED REFRIGERATOR 28 MARCH 2009 ****************************************** Many thanks to Joanie Robertson ([[email protected]][email protected][/email]) from PATH for sharing this report with us. She writes: PATH has been aware of a group that has been working in northern Kenya to demonstrate a viable camel-back solar refrigerator system for transport of vaccines along with an established mobile medical delivery organization. This report from Seattle nonprofit Community Health Africa details their research conducted in collaboration with Kenya's The Nomadic Community Trust. Any questions about the project can be directed to Donna Thorson. -------- The full report is attached. The executive summary has been extracted below. Community Health Africa: a Poverty Solution Executive summary A prototype solar-powered vaccine refrigerator suitable for transport via pack animal and vehicle has been successfully tested in field conditions. The refrigerator maintained the required 2°C to 8°C temperatures under high heat conditions in northern Kenya and the solar chargers and batteries are capable of providing the necessary power with safety margins. The prototype system is functional as is, however, improvements have been identified that will make the system much more user friendly for the varied local staff. These improvements should be implemented and verified with full-scale field testing. Northern Kenya has a highly varied environment ranging extreme desert to high alpine, and all of these are traversed by the mobile medical clinic (The Nomadic Community Trust) that provided the prototype evaluation. ... Post generated using Mail2Forum ( ##text##
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