Mardi 4 Mars 2014
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In response to H1N1 pandemicity in 2009-10, Karnataka received Panenza vaccine in the mid March 2010 from GoI for vaccinating various categories of Health Care providers in ‘Pulse’ mode. On confirming from the Focal person at the National level and from the SEARO through the Regional Team Leader about the non availability; on request by the state, I developed the protocol for introducing newer H1 N1 Vaccine and model micro-plan booklet which included planning formats/reporting formats/AEFI tracking formats/checklist and monitoring format all in 6 hrs assisted by computer expert. All the districts in Karnataka used it. It was shared with development partners and GoI. After 3 years once again newer vaccine Peantavlent was introduced. Though the launch was celebrated on 01st Nov 2012-the state raising day, field practice started from April 2013. I got one more opportunity to develop operational guidelines for using Pentavalent, presented in the state workshop on 28 March 2013. This generated demand from the SIO (State Immunization Officer) for developing operational guidelines for Newborn vaccination and JE 2 doses from April 2013 instead of one dose schedule. Both, on demand and by passion I wrote operational guidelines and submitted to State for dissemination. All these were shared with the Technet-21 community. Now in view of achieving ?95% Measles 1st and 2nd dose coverage (for which simple tool Immunogram can be used) with quality to reach measles elimination by 2020, I developed operational guideline for 2 doses of measles vaccination (PPT) and submitted to state and development partners with a request for additional inputs for further fine tuning and dissemination if useful and for similar purpose wish to share with Technet-21 viewers. Operational-guidelines-Measles-2-doses.pdf
10 years ago
pls read in slide number 18, 17 Districts and 14 Districts as "states".
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