Dimanche 17 Mars 2019
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Dear all

Context: IAPSMCON – 2019: Symposium on Routine Immunization (RI)

In this month, symposium was held at the national level on RI, chaired by National Consultants and senior designated persons from Immunization Technical Support Unit [ITSU] for Government of India implementing the programme in Medical Colleges and the country.

Following are some of the concerns expressed and discussed:

  1. Role of medical college
    a) Capacity building of nursing staff / undergraduates by including RI in the curriculum,
    b) Developing communicating skills with parents / care givers
    c) Establishing dedicated vaccination clinic in the college and tertiary care centres
    d) Adequate exposure for gaining operational knowledge during internship and
    d) Taking up research activities in various thematic areas.

  2. Establishing inter departmental / inter-sectoral co-ordination / for active participation in respective interwoven thematic areas.

  3. Proactive adequate involvement by both public and private sectors for
    a) Closing operational gaps.
    b) Uniformly strengthen RI programme for its optimum benefit and long term impact.
    c) Promoting protocol approach for practicing uniform schedule – especially in the private sector.

  4. Adequately addressing AEFI. 

  5. ITSU expressed concern about determinants of denominator & need for preparing 100% specific & sensitive duelist for optimal mobilization, vaccinating close to the schedule to minimize population immunity gap. 

  6. Obliterating the gap between reported and surveyed coverage’s. 

  7. Timely, completely & retrievably documenting the vaccination data (numerators) against specific denominator (target) to derive valid performance indicators.

As of now, RI Micro-plan and Intensified Mission Indradhanush put together has more than 2 dozen forms and formats necessitating to depend on public health specialists to train the staff but yet there is no single interface for the grass root level workers on which both child wise antigen wise denominator (target) & child wise antigen wise vaccination data – the numerator (achievement) can be recorded to obtain the performance indicators to report true achievement by the ANM.  

All the above concerns are successfully addressed by KVG Medical College:

  1. Established “Dedicated Vaccination Clinic” to successfully play the role of Medical College to roll out graduates and specialists with right uniform operational knowledge. IAPSM has included this in its compendium – 2018 for replication in all Medical Colleges – PPT attached.

  2. Operating Extended Immunogram in the attached planning units which provides the simplest, surest, evidence based, dependable denominator (target), to record child wise antigen wise vaccination data in the same sheet enabling the ANM to derive the performance indicators herself, made ready 100% specific and sensitive duelist for the coming session, puts them on all time mission mode. This tool provides child specific, age qualified valid drop-out rates. Saves lot of documentation time. At any given time she can upload data to RCH portal, feed HMIS. On transfer, just handover the data to the new comer for seamless continuation of the programme. Thus it makes the programme sustainable and “specialist free”.

IAPSM invited the KVG team to present “Extended Immunogram” in the IAPSMCON – 2019 as one of the best community practices for replication in the Medical Colleges.  

  1. Designed “Combo-card” providing nation friendly combo schedule – district / state specific essential vaccines of National Immunization Schedule in part A and Nation specific Optional vaccines in part B for uniformity in the private sector. Vaccination data entered in this card are HMIS compatible and can be included in the report adding to the national progress. Inner page attached for reference.

Thus we are proud to provide all India solution to all India RI problems in the simplest, easily replicable way.

Wish you happy reading for replication please

Holla and the team

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