Mardi 3 Mai 2011
  2 Replies
  4K Visits
I'm looking for any studies or documents comparing the implementation operational considerations for refrigerators by energy type. For example, we often hear that solar refrigerators are hard to maintain, petrol are difficult to keep a consistent temperature, etc. I'm looking for a documented source of information that discusses those types of considerations as well as the benefits of the different energy sources. It would be great to have some evidence - rather than anecdotes - on which to base our decision making.
13 years ago
Posted on behalf of John Lloyd (PATH) Hi Leah! So far as I know their are no guides out there which describe all the issues relative to different types of equipment. However we have recently revised an internal document for general distribution but it is still doing the authorisation circuit in PATH. We can give you a summary of the main findings however and we will announce the document on Technet when it is available in complete form. very best John
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