Mardi 9 Juillet 2019
  2 Replies
  4.4K Visits

Dear all

Vaccination records from private vaccination service providers give us very good opportunities to passively monitor the quality of the service in terms of timeliness and completeness. Monitoring observations are shared with the specific service provider, corresponding government planning unit, stakeholders of both the sectors for appropriate actions. The recent CME workshop arranged by native district IAP in collaboration with Government and WHO country office titled “Confusion to Clarity” is an example of proactive purposive approach by the private sector. Hope the attached one of the several qualitative examples will make it much clearer and justify the CME workshop, providing documentary evidence to replicate and scale up similar workshops in all districts and state level.  

Being passive monitoring, this is a zero budget programme which all dedicated vaccination clinics can easily do, helping to improve the quality of service delivery to attain the goals and objectives of RI programme.

Best wishes

Dr Holla

KVG Medical College


You bring up a very relevant point of Home-base records (HBRs), also know as vaccination/health cards. HBRs have been identified as one of the very useful tools for users to know their own vaccination status (adults) and that of their children. WHO has issue two sets of guidance material for the design and use of HBR, both available on this webpage: 

It will be interesting to read what other countries are doing to engage the private sector. Lebanon recently published an article about HBRs from a vaccination coverage evaluation survey. The pictures of HBRs in the article, including from private providers, speak more than a thousand words, see:


All the best in your work in India. - Carolina

4 years ago

Thank you Carolina,

Infact, I started working on these cards after reading about HBR in the technet and the positive responses from Dr David Brown and Dr Kaushik Banerjee.




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