Mercredi 20 Mai 2020
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Protecting Health Workers: Supply Chain Adaptation in the Time of COVID-19
Thu, May 21, 2020 7:00 PM - 8:00 PM CEST

Join VisionSpring and VillageReach to explore how social enterprises are pivoting their organizational capacity and utilizing existing supply chains to protect healthcare workers serving low-income communities during the COVID-19 pandemic. We’ll discuss strategies to procure and deliver PPE to the frontline and discover what our collective ‘new normal’ looks like in Sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia.


Ella Gudwin, CEO, VisionSpring

Anshu Taneja, India Country Director, VisionSpring

Emily Bancroft, President, VillageReach

Tapiwa Mukwashi, Senior Manager, Supply Chain, VillageReach

Moderated by Jennifer Gootman, Vice President of Sustainability, Williams-Sonoma, Inc.

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