Lundi 25 Juillet 2022
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Dear TechNet-21 Members,

The annual WHO and UNICEF national estimates of immunization coverage (WUENIC) 2022 here were officially released on15th July.

You can access all data here: and

Key WUENIC data findings and implications

  • 25 million children missed out on basic vaccines through routine immunization service in 2021, 6 million more than before the start of the pandemic in 2019.
  • This is the highest number since 2006 and is the result of the Covid-19 pandemic, associated disruptions, and Covid-19 vaccination efforts, which have strained health systems in 2020 and 2021.  
  • 18 million children missed out on any vaccination in 2021, a number not seen since 2008. Almost all zero-dose children – those never vaccinated with even a first dose of DTP-containing vaccine live in low- and middle-income countries, especially in the African and South-East Asian regions.  
  • The South-East Asian Region was most affected by the COVID-19 pandemic and related disruptions with drop of 9 percentage points over two years Western Pacific regions, Region of the Americas, and the African Region all experienced 4 percentage points over two years 
  • The Eastern Mediterranean Region experienced 3 percentage points reductions. The European Region limited the impact to 1 percentage point.  Significant efforts will be needed to recover from pandemic strains and to sustain immunization as an essential health service. 
  • 26 vaccine introductions were reported in 2021, up from 17 in 2020, but well below the long-run average of around 50 per year in previous decades. However, 192 member states introduced Covid-19 vaccines in 2020 and 2021. 
  • In 2021, the average coverage for vaccines targeting 11 diseases stood at 68% compared with 8% in 1980.
  • Coverage of a first dose of a vaccine protecting against measles (MCV-1) dropped to 81% in 2021, the lowest level since 2008. This leaves 7 million children vulnerable. ​A further 14.7 million children received only a first dose, but not a needed second dose through regular public health services. 
  • Global coverage of first dose of HPV dropped to 15% in 2021 while second dose coverage remained at 12%.  Compared to 2019 this represents an unprecedented 25% reduction in first dose coverage and a 15% reduction in second dose. 

Lots to do. Catch-up guidance here: and SAGE recommendations here: 



1 year ago

We need to do more to improve population immunity in our communities 

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