Lundi 1 Août 2016
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Dear all

Breast milk is the best milk. The colostrum is considered as the nature’s first “Oral Vaccine”.

Exclusively breast fed infants are better protected against respiratory infections and diarrheal diseases and hence 7 of the 17 Sustainable Developmental Goals by 2030 [1/2/3/4/8/10 & 13th] promote breast feeding. As per Lancet series, yearly it could avert 8.2 lakhs deaths. It could save ⅓ & ½ of children dying from ARI and diarrhoea respectively. Breastfed children with better physical and mental health are the assets and contribute to the multidimensional growth of a country. It can potentially mitigate Non Communicable Diseases – Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus by ~35%, ~26% early obesity, cancers of the breast and the ovaries.

However, ~80% in the developed countries and ~30% in developing countries do not breast feed their children adequately.

This is an added educational programme for us along with routine vaccination at the Vaccination Clinic.

best wishes

Holla & Team

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