Article de revue

Text4Health: impact of text message reminder-recalls for pediatric and adolescent immunizations

OBJECTIVES: We conducted 2 studies to determine the impact of text message immunization reminder-recalls in an urban- low-income population. METHODS: In 1 study- text message immunization reminders were sent to a random sample of parents (n = 195) whose children aged 11 to 18 years needed either or both meningococcal (MCV4) and tetanus-diphtheria-acellular pertussis (Tdap) immunizations. We compared receipt of MCV4 or Tdap at 4- 12- and 24 weeks with age- and gender-matched controls. In the other study- we compared attendance at a postshortage Haemophilus influenzae B (Hib) immunization recall session between parents who received text message and paper-mailed reminders (n = 87) and those who only received paper-mailed reminders (n = 87). RESULTS: Significantly more adolescents with intervention parents received either or both MCV4 and Tdap at weeks 4 (15.4% vs 4.2%/ P


  • Anglais

Année de publication



American journal of public health




Article de revue


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Stockwell et al. - 2012 - Text4health Impact of text message reminder-recalls for pediatric and adolescent immunizations2.pdf

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