Le Réseau Technique de Renforcement des Services de Vaccination

Nous sommes un réseau mondial de professionnels de la vaccination engagés à renforcer les services de vaccination en établissant des relations, en partageant les connaissances, en coordonnant les activités et en alignant les priorités et les objectifs. En savoir plus.

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Amélioration de la couverture et de l'équité de la vaccination - Ressources techniques

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Ressource Establishing and strengthening immunization in the second year of life: Practices for immunization beyond infancy
Objectif (a) Assist countries in making informed decisions about establishing or strengthening a visit or visits in the 2YL that includes vaccination and other services as part of a continuum of care for children;
(b) Provide practical guidance on planning, managing, implementing, and monitoring vaccination services and improving immunization coverage during a scheduled visit in the 2YL;
(c) Provide broad guidance on catch up vaccination for children older than one year, who are delayed or missing vaccine doses.
Contenu The guidance comes in two books which should be used together. The first book provides practical guidance on establishing and strengthening immunization in the second year of life (2YL) and beyond. It also suggests ways that immunization visits during the 2YL can be used as a platform for delivery of other child-health services. The second book provides detail on the practical steps for planning, managing, implementing, and monitoring vaccination during a scheduled visit, or visits, in the second year of life (2YL). It also provides useful steps for strengthening vaccination when coverage in the 2YL has not reached programme targets.
Résultats attendus (a) Improved coverage and equity of access through reaching individuals who miss routine vaccine doses for any reason and who can be identified and vaccinated in the second year of life.
(b) Policies, Strategies and field guides are in place for commencing a life course approach to vaccination services with 2YL approach as a first step.
Forces (a) A strong platform in the 2YL provides the first step in extending immunization beyond infancy and encouraging the continuity of routine vaccination into preschool, school, adolescent and adult populations.
(b) The guidance also provides information on integration of other interventions into the 2YL approach.
Contraintes/Limitations Outlines only the first steps (2YL) in adopting life course vaccination approaches and should therefore be applied as a complement to other initiatives to expand vaccination services across the life course.
Pourquoi l'utiliser (a) An increasing number of vaccine doses are recommended to be given after one year of age, and most infant vaccination can be caught up in the 2YL (if missed earlier).
(b) A strong platform in the 2YL is the first important step in extending immunization beyond infancy and encouraging the continuity of routine vaccination into preschool, school, adolescent and adult populations.
(c) Provides the opportunity to reach children older than one year, who are who have had delayed or missing vaccine doses.
Qui devrait l'utiliser National and sub national planners and technical advisers as well as health facility managers and health providers. The intended users include those who will be managing the introduction of a vaccine scheduled in the second year of life, strategies to improve coverage of 2YL vaccines, and catch-up of infant vaccinations. This will include immunization programme managers and staff, other programme managers and their staff and national-, regional-, and global-level immunization and child health advisors working with partner organizations such as WHO and UNICEF and also civil society and faith-based organizations.
Liens supplémentaires
Lien d'accès à la ressource /fr/ressources/orientations/establishing-and-strengthening-immunization-in-the-second-year-of-life-practices-for-immunization-beyond-infancy

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Nous sommes fiers de travailler avec de nombreuses organisations et initiatives à travers le monde dans nos efforts pour aider à renforcer les services de vaccination. Nous soutenons le travail de tous les professionnels de la vaccination, des secteurs public et privé, des gouvernements et des organisations internationales aux ONG, institutions universitaires, entreprises et fabricants. TechNet est membre de deux partenariats mondiaux de vaccination:

Comité directeur de la chaîne d'approvisionnement de la vaccination de Gavi Alliance (iSC2)

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