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Amélioration de la couverture et de l'équité de la vaccination - Ressources techniques

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Ressource DHIS 2 Immunisation Analysis App
Objectif To facilitate the dissemination of health data standards at global scale. Bottleneck analysis (BNA) is a structured analysis of the determinants of coverage for a wide range of interventions for the purposes of targeted operational planning.
Contenu The WHO digital health data toolkit for DHIS2 consists of metadata and tools to facilitate the dissemination of health data standards at global scale. The toolkit is an extension of the WHO's toolkit for strengthening routine health information systems.
The Immunisation configuration package for aggregate reporting contains a single data set collected monthly, and the purpose is reporting of immunisation activities (including outreach activities), adverse events following immunisation, stock and cold chain.
In addition, there are other modules such as the Bottleneck Analysis (BNA), supporting the analysis of determinants of coverage which enables targeting of interventions to where they are most needed. It allows for real-time monitoring of EPI performance with high granularity, visualization in dashboards facilitates communication of the findings. There is a manual for the use of the application in DHIS2 when conducting a BNA.
Note that the app requires user input, but if it is used at the national level then it can provide quantitative data on a wide range of indicators related to AEFI, vaccine coverage and dropout. Might not be readly available in countries due to the lack of digitalization of EPI indicator data in service delivery data.
Résultats attendus Facilitates conducting a BNA which results in definition of key health systems barriers to inform targeted operational planning approaches.
Utilisation While metadata packages are available, it requires user input to adapt it to local context.
Forces (a) Contributes to existing national and sub-national planning and monitoring cycles by offering a strategic, rapid and systematic approach to analysing key health systems barriers to reaching intervention coverage targets.
(b) The BNA tool allows real-time monitoring of EPI performance with high granularity and can be used to monitor EPI micro-plans when data on relevant indicators of implementation are captured by DHIS2.
(c) Visualization in dashboards facilitates communication of the findings. (d) Enables wider health impacts by analysing for a set of primary health care interventions which includes immunisation.
Contraintes/Limitations (a) Requires internet availability and connection to DHIS2.
(b) Technical support and staff training are also required to support installation and operation of the system.
(c) The system is dependent on the validity of the primary data and the timeliness, completeness and accuracy of the digitized data.
(d) Few LMICs manage digitization of EPI indicator data at service delivery level. (c) Capturing of micro-plan indicators in DHIS2 depend on the flexibility and effective collaboration with health information system managers.
Pourquoi l'utiliser (a) Analysis of determinants of coverage which enables targeting of interventions to where they are most needed (zero dose and under immunised).
(b) There is a manual for the related app that automates analysis and visualization of DHIS2 data for program planning and monitoring.
Qui devrait l'utiliser For planners involved in technical setup of interventions, indicators and sharing of objects related to BNA app.
Exemples de critères que cette ressource pourrait traiter •Can extract data on coverage. Allows for within country assessment.
•Can extract data on AEFI
Si disponible, notes sur le processus de développement DHIS2 is developed by the Health Information Systems Programme (HISP) as an open and globally distributed process with developers currently in India, Vietnam, Tanzania, Ireland, and Norway. The development is coordinated by the University of Oslo with support from NORAD and other donors.
Liens supplémentaires
Lien d'accès à la ressource /fr/ressources/outil/dhis-2-immunisation-analysis-app

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