Global Meeting on Monitoring Immunization in the Context of IA2030 - Blog and Newsletters - TechNet-21
Par Global Immunization Newsletter le Lundi 18 Décembre 2023
Catégorie: Partner News

Global Meeting on Monitoring Immunization in the Context of IA2030

Dates: 19-21/09/2023

Participants: 101 representatives from Ministries of Health (Albania, Cameroon, Indonesia, Philippines, Singapore), country offices, regional offices, and headquarters of WHO and UNICEF, and key immunization partners (Acasus AG, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Gavi Secretariat, HealthEnabled, Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME), Jinja Publishing Ltd, John Snow Inc (JSI), PATH, Johns Hopkins University, Universities of Basel, Oslo, Southampton, Sidney, and Global Financing Facility/World Bank). The meeting also included members of the IA2030 Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) Working Group and the Data Strengthening and Use Working Group (DSUWG).

Background: The meeting objectives were to share information about strategies, tools, and practices to improve data use to achieve the Immunization Agenda 2030 (IA2030) priorities, such as reducing the zero-dose children and reaching equity, life course, catch-up and pandemic recovery; brainstorm around innovation to respond to new (or old) challenges, including digital health solutions, and COVID-19 vaccine integration; agree on a joint approach and collective action for operationalization at all levels; and plan for implementation of recommendations, discuss bottlenecks, and resource needs.

Outcomes: A wide range of topics was covered during the meeting, including using data – that is “fit for purpose” – to ensure no one is left behind, life course vaccination, catch-up and recovery, integrating COVID-19 data into existing systems, outbreak risk assessment and response, national and subnational coverage estimates, workforce development for monitoring and evaluation (M&E), digital innovations, country and global level M&E processes, integrating demand and behavioural data into decision-making, strengthening of health management information systems, the role of community health workers, and using geographical information systems, as appropriate. The participants engaged in presentations, panel discussions, world café sessions, working group discussions, and networking to exchange views and insights. Building on the IA2030 Data Action Framework and the 2019 Strategic Advisory Group of Experts on Immunization (SAGE) recommendations on data quality and use, key recommendations for each topic were discussed. Satellite meetings to the main convening included: The first in-person meeting of the Immunization Agenda 2030 Data Strengthening and Use Working Group (DSUWG), the 9th WHO and UNICEF meeting on monitoring and analysis of national immunization performance, and a WHO Immunization Information System (WIISE) meeting.

Reports can be request at Cette adresse e-mail est protégée contre les robots spammeurs. Vous devez activer le JavaScript pour la visualiser.. The meeting concluded with a call to action to deliver on the data-guided principle of the IA2030, implement the collective recommendations, and follow up on progress. The participants reaffirmed their commitment to work together to achieve the IA2030 vision of a world where everyone, everywhere, at every age, fully benefits from vaccines to improve health and well-being. A detailed meeting report with specific recommendations will be published on the Technet-21 websiteTechnet-21 website.

Author: Cornelius Rau (WHO) 

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