Par Joseph Swan le Jeudi 3 Juin 2021
Catégorie: Actualités des Partenaires

Polio News May 2021

May 2021


Register here to join us on 10 June at 14:00 CEST for a virtual launch event, “Delivering on the Promise of a Polio-Free World,” to learn more about how the Global Polio Eradication Initiative’s (GPEI) new strategy is transforming its approach to end polio for good. The Polio Eradication Strategy 2022-2026 emphasizes polio as the emergency it is and will strengthen health systems to end this disease and provide healthier futures for children everywhere. Years of your tireless dedication and commitment have brought us to the brink of a polio-free world. However, in order to overcome persistent issues – and setbacks posed by COVID-19 – the GPEI is evolving to finish the job.
Changing minds and protecting futures

© Asad Zaidi
After last year’s pause on polio immunization campaigns amid the pandemic, polio vaccinators in Rawalpindi, Pakistan are redoubling their efforts to recover lost ground. Follow these courageous health workers as they travel door-to-door to reverse parental refusals and avoid potential violence while delivering polio drops to keep every child safe. [More]
Polio at the World Health Assembly

As one of just six officially recognized Public Health Emergencies of International Concern (PHEIC), polio eradication was highlighted as a key global health priority during this year’s World Health Assembly (WHA). Member states and global experts noted that polio cannot be ignored, especially during the COVID-19 crisis, and discussed next steps to ending wild poliovirus transmission and stopping outbreaks of a vaccine-derived forms. [More]
Public consultation on revised containment guidance

On recommendation from the Containment Advisory Group (CAG), and through wide engagement of stakeholders, the chief guidance document for poliovirus containment – GAPIII (2014) – has been revised. The revision aims to streamline the tool with other relevant WHO guidance and incorporate technical recommendations made by CAG. A 30-day period of public consultation is planned to start in July and feedback on the draft document from containment stakeholders is encouraged. Details will be posted on GPEI’s website.
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Wild poliovirus in 2021 (2020)*
Global Total:   2 (59)

Circulating vaccine-derived poliovirus in 2021 (2020)*
Global Total: 95 (122) 

*Data as of 25 May 2021. Numbers in brackets represent data at this time in 2020.

Breakdown by country 
Devex: What the UK aid cut means for polio eradication efforts

Devex: Q&A: WHO Director Aidan O'Leary on GPEI’s new plan to eradicate polio
GPEI would like to thank Germany for its generous contribution of €35 million to polio eradication. 
The flexible funding nature of this contribution allows the programme to adapt to the evolving epidemiological situation and use the funds where they are needed most.

The Global Institute for Disease Elimination (GLIDE) has launched the US$ 1 million Falcon Awards for Disease Elimination, offering five grants of up to US$ 200 000 each for solutions focused on the elimination of malaria, polio, lymphatic filariasis and onchocerciasis. The deadline for abstract submissions is on 13 June. For more information about the awards process, eligibility and terms and conditions, please visit or email Cette adresse e-mail est protégée contre les robots spammeurs. Vous devez activer le JavaScript pour la visualiser. for any questions or queries.

A health-worker vaccinates a child against polio in Fauji Colony, a high-risk part of Rawalpindi.
©Asad Zaidi

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Global Polio Eradication Initiative
20 Avenue Appia
Geneva 1211

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