Par Moderator le mercredi 27 janvier 2021
Catégorie: Partner News

Upcoming Discovery Session: Mindfulness During This Stressful Time


As part of our ongoing commitment to provide AIRA members with easy (and free!) tips to help you de-stress, we’re doing something a little different for the next AIRA Discovery Session on Monday, February 22 at 4 p.m. ET. This one-hour session will introduce AIRA members to the “what, why, and how” of mindfulness as a tool for self-care that can help us manage stress, increase focus, and develop greater compassion and empathy. These are all qualities that can benefit us during these stressful times. No previous experience with mindfulness or meditation is necessary.

Register today!

What is Mindfulness?

Rick Hanson, PhD, defines mindfulness as “a clear, non-judgmental awareness of your inner and outer worlds. In particular, it’s an awareness of the flow of experience in your inner world – an alert observing of your thoughts, emotions, body sensations, desires, memories, images, personality dynamics, attitudes, etc.”

Why it’s Beneficial

While it may seem like a luxury to spend an hour focusing on self-care when we’re busy helping others, the knowledge you’ll gain from this session will provide a huge return on investment. You will learn some of the fundamental tenets of secular mindfulness and its benefits and will be engaged in a variety of simple and accessible practices that can be used just about any time or anywhere. We will also explore ways to begin and maintain a consistent personal practice.


The session will be led by Rob Lieblein, the founder of Hudson Valley Mindfulness. Rob is a yoga, meditation, and mindfulness teacher with nearly 20 years of experience. He's taught contemplative and movement practices to adults and youth of all ages in a wide variety of settings, from school classrooms and summer camps to corporate offices and professional conferences. He currently teaches an introductory mindfulness course to undergraduates at Columbia University, and facilitates ongoing wellness-based Circle Process programs for educators through Millennium Forum.

If you’re unable to attend, this session will be recorded and available in the AIRA repository.

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