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Détails de l'événement
Titre de l'événement:
Academy Society Meet: Impact of tool and approach on critical indicators
Date / Heure de l'événement:
Début 17th Mar, 2016 1:00AM
Description de l'événement:
Rural Health Training Centre Sampaje is a planning unit attached to KVG Medical College for field practice. Since Jan 2013 we are conducting immunization sessions in "Mission Mode". India launched the most ambitious "Mission Indradhanush" on 25th Dec 2014. We conducted a Simulation Study between April and July 2015 and learnt ten new lessons applicable to all the planning units of this country. These study findings we wish to share with "WORLD IMMUNIZATION WEEK". We are now in the process of inducting "Mission mode" in 2 more planning units linked to our College - Guthigar and Kollamogru from April 2016. "Mission Mode" facilitates capacity building of the service providers through appropriate TOOL and APPROACH, makes them self sustained, they themselves supervise/monitor/modify or fine tune the operation hence independent of external monitors, saves them from additional burden, appreciating the programme implementation on the spot makes the participation jubilant and infuses custodianship. Please do guide or direct as to how KVG team can contribute to this programme in a larger scale for a wider area. Dr Holla Assoc Professor, Dept of Community Medicine KVG Medical College, Sullia +91 9900131066
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