Par Moderator le Vendredi 21 Mai 2021
Catégorie: Actualités des Partenaires

CMS Virtual Webinars on Quality Measurement Resources


AIRA would like to pass along the following opportunities to attend two virtual webinars hosted by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS). Both webinars will provide information to key quality measurement resources available to the public. 

CMS Quality Measurement: Where It’s Headed and How We’ll Get There
CMS will discuss goals for advancing quality measurement in the next 5 to 10 years, focusing on streamlining measures to reduce burden and the transition to digital quality measures. CMS staff will highlight aspects of its plans to modernize quality measures through digitization.

Driving Quality in the US: How CMS Evaluates its Measures Portfolio
CMS will walk through its tools and processes to evaluate the quality of its quality measures throughout the measure lifecycle.

Please register in advance as space is limited. If you have questions about the webinars, contact Cette adresse e-mail est protégée contre les robots spammeurs. Vous devez activer le JavaScript pour la visualiser..

Thank you.

American Immunization Registry Association 1717 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Suite 1025, Washington, District of Columbia 20006, United States 202.522.0208

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