Par Louise Henaff le Vendredi 10 Novembre 2023
Catégorie: Actualités des Partenaires

GNN monthly update: October 23

Dear all,


With a slight delay, here are the updates for October and as usual feel free to forward to your NITAG members and secretariat if they are not part of the mailing list.



More information here.


Meningococcal disease :

The advice is available in French here.

*1) Healthy individuals aged 16–23 years (routine schedule) when shared clinical decision-making favors administration of MenB vaccination, 2) individuals aged 10 years and older at increased risk of meningococcal disease (e.g., due to persistent complement deficiencies, complement inhibitor use, or functional or anatomic asplenia) due for both vaccines.



Persons at risk:








Vaccinology course:

For the past 23 years, ADVAC, the Advanced Course of Vaccinology, trained more than 1400 scientists and decision-makers involved in vaccine development, in the elaboration of new vaccination strategies or in policy decisions related to the introduction of new vaccines in public health programs, at national or international levels. This advanced course is relevant for experts from both the public and private sectors and from both LMICs and HICs.

Best wishes,


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