Par Joseph Swan le Lundi 31 Août 2020
Catégorie: Actualités des Partenaires

Polio News August 2020

August 2020


Dear Moderator,
The WHO African Region has been declared free of wild poliovirus. During a virtual ceremony, leaders from African nations, the Africa Regional Certification Commission and the Global Polio Eradication Initiative came together to celebrate this incredible achievement and historic step on the path to global polio eradication, and to remember the long journey to this moment.

This milestone underlines that we have the determination and the skill to overcome challenges and achieve a polio-free world. To guide us, this month the Independent Monitoring Board published its annual evaluation of the polio programme, which examines the impact of COVID-19 and remaining barriers to eradication. The Polio Oversight Board released a statement on adjusting to the pandemic and next steps; detailed outcomes of the Board’s meeting are to be released in early September.
The African region is wild polio-free

© UNF/C. McNab
On 25 August 2020, the Africa Regional Certification Commission certified that wild polio has been eradicated from the African region. More than twenty years since Nelson Mandela launched the ‘Kick Polio Out of Africa’ campaign, the concerted efforts of Governments, health workers and communities have succeeded. Read the official press release to hear about the importance of this milestone and the work that must continue to keep Africa wild polio-free. [More]
Explore how Africa wiped out wild polio

© WHO/D.Levison
Check out the Africa Kicks Out Wild Polio microsite to see how this historic milestone was achieved. Scroll through the timeline of key moments, see how disease surveillance and outbreak response were vital to this effort, and read about the heroic polio workers who overcame daunting challenges to reach every child with the polio vaccine, from the remote areas of the DRC to the wild virus’ final stronghold. [More
Championing polio eradication & women’s empowerment

Professor Rose Leke, chairperson of the Africa Regional Certification Commission (ARCC) for Polio Eradication. © WHO/M. Henley
Chair of the Africa Regional Certification Commission, Professor Rose Leke, has dedicated her career to fighting polio and other diseases, in the process becoming a trailblazer for women in global health. In this interview, learn more about her work to certify the African region as wild polio-free. [More]
Wild poliovirus in 2020 (2019)*
Global Total:   102 (71)

Circulating vaccine-derived poliovirus in 2020 (2019)*
Global Total: 321 (63) 

*Data as of 26 August 2020. Numbers in brackets represent data at this time in 2019.
Breakdown by country 
The Guardian: Africa's triumph over wild polio shows the power of regional unity

New York Times: Africa to Celebrate the End of Wild Poliovirus (but Not the End of Polio)

Al Jazeera: Why Africa's success in eradicating polio is important today
The GPEI would like to extend heartfelt thanks to all Governments, donors and partners who have helped fund the journey towards wild polio eradication in Africa. This incredible milestone has succeeded thanks to your commitment and vision.

Many thanks to the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation for providing a supplemental grant of US$ 8 891 874 to support the Pakistan polio programme, and a grant of US$ 10 million to support the global staffing costs of the polio programme.

The official certification certificate marking the WHO African Region’s wild poliovirus-free status, signed by the members of the Africa Regional Commission for Certification of Poliomyelitis Eradication (25 August 2020). © WHO AFRO
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