Par People that Deliver le Mardi 5 Juillet 2022
Catégorie: Partner News

PtD Global Indaba: Abstract submission deadline extended to 15 July

You have ten more days to submit your abstract!

PtD Global Indaba

Abstract submission deadline extended to 15 July

Submit your abstract here!

Are you interested in giving an oral or poster presentation at the PtD Global Indaba? You have ten more days to get you submissions in!

Abstracts should document the work of your organisation or independent research in line with our theme and sub-themes:

  • Staffing: All critical health supply chain positions and/or competencies are filled
  • Skills: Staff apply their skills appropriately at every level of the health supply chain
  • Working conditions support performance
  • Motivation: Workers are motivated to do their jobs

The theme of the Global Indaba, which will take place in Zambia on 12 and 13 October, is human resources for supply chain management: the missing link to maximising supply chain performance.

Read more about the Indaba, registration and sponsorship here.

Find out more here or contact Cette adresse e-mail est protégée contre les robots spammeurs. Vous devez activer le JavaScript pour la visualiser. for more information.


About People that Deliver (PtD)

PtD was established in 2011 when 79 institutions came together at WHO headquarters and pledged to strengthen the capacity of the health supply chain workforce while promoting the professionalisation of supply chain roles within the health system. PtD is governed by its coalition members who represent governments, international donors, multilateral agencies, non-governmental organisations, academic institutions, professional associations and private companies.

For more information on PtD please visit



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