Par Carmit Keddem le Mercredi 17 Novembre 2021
Catégorie: Partner News

Updates from the US and around the world

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Five Ways to Improve HIV Index Testing in Highly Saturated Environments
HIV index testing in highly saturated environments can be extremely challenging, even more so where intimate partner violence levels are high. JSI staff working on the USAID Meeting Targets and Maintaining HIV Epidemic Control (EpiC) Project in Johannesburg, South Africa, share lessons learned.

Keeping PrEP and Other HIV Prevention Methods at the Forefront during COVID
The COVID-19 pandemic has dealt a heavy blow to health services and providers in Africa. JSI staff discuss how, despite tremendous challenges, they have helped keep people at risk of and living with HIV on prevention methods (including pre-exposure prophylaxis) and treatment.

Building Relationships with State Medicaid Agencies to Support Peer Services
JSI is working with federal and state partners to strengthen systems of care for people with HIV and opioid use disorder. This document describes the critical role of the peer workforce in developing and delivering care and how state Medicaid programs can serve as an essential fiscal resource in supporting peer services.

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