Workshop to strengthen immunization programs in the Americas, Lima, Peru - Blog and Newsletters - TechNet-21
Par Global Immunization Newsletter le Mardi 2 Avril 2024
Catégorie: Actualités des Partenaires

Workshop to strengthen immunization programs in the Americas, Lima, Peru


17-28 July 2023


There was a total of 36 participants, including: 11 PAHO/WHO headquarters staff, 6 PAHO/WHO immunization focal points from Argentina, English Caribbean, Costa Rica, Panama, Peru, and Suriname, 8 international consultants for immunizations and 11 health personnel from Peru.


PAHO's Special Program, Comprehensive Immunizations (CIM) held a two-week workshop aimed to train and update facilitators in the prioritized countries on tools and knowledge to conduct risk analysis and develop phased intervention plans for high-risk municipalities. Training was done for:

1) preparedness of measles/rubella and polio outbreak rapid response to rapidly interrupt the circulation of these viruses from imported cases aim to elaborate sustainability elimination plan for measles and rubella and; plans and polio outbreak mitigation plan for polio;
2) methodology of micro-planning of vaccination activities for the routine program and national vaccination campaigns, which facilitate the increase of vaccination coverage at the local, subnational, and national levels, and
3) use and implementation of tools for geo-referencing populations with low vaccination coverage at the municipal level, to guide extra-mural actions in urban-marginal and rural areas with difficult access, to achieve high vaccination coverage in an efficient and timely manner. This workshop was meticulously designed to impact the recovery of vaccination coverage and to enhance the epidemiological surveillance of vaccine-preventable diseases in the prioritized countries.


At the end of the workshop, 8 International Consultants were deployed to priority countries of Costa Rica, Ecuador, Guatemala, Dominican Republic, Panama, Paraguay, Peru and English Caribbean due to high risk for polio, measles, and rubella and/or to support in the micro-planning of high quality vaccination campaigns and to implement the objectives of the workshop in the field and ensure the strengthening of epidemiological surveillance and vaccination coverage.

Authors: WHO PAHO

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