Par Moderator le Mardi 15 Juin 2021
Catégorie: Partner News

Your AIRA National Meeting To-Do List!


Visit the AIRA 2021 National Meeting website today! 

Check Off Items on Your AIRA National Meeting To-Do List:

  • Register for the meeting and be entered to win a prize. The early bird rate for in-person registration closes Wednesday, June 30. A virtual meeting option is also available.
  • Reserve your hotel room at the group rate until the room block has been filled or until Friday, July 9.

If you have any questions or want more information about the National Meeting, please email Cette adresse e-mail est protégée contre les robots spammeurs. Vous devez activer le JavaScript pour la visualiser.

We look forward to seeing you in Portland, hybrid-style!

American Immunization Registry Association 1717 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Suite 1025, Washington, District of Columbia 20006, United States 202.522.0208

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