Lundi 8 Septembre 2014
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WHO and UNICEF have jointly prepared an information bulletin which addresses varied implications of different types of vaccine vial monitors (VVMs), notably VVM category type 7 (VVM7) and VVM category type 14 (VVM14), on vaccines such as the Inactivated Polio Vaccine (IPV) and the fully-liquid Diphtheria-Tetanus- whole cell Pertussis-Hepatitis B-Haemophilus influenzae type b (DTP-HepB-Hib, commonly referred to as pentavalent). The note is directed to countries that are currently supplied by UNICEF Supply Division with these specific presentations of vaccine. The information is intended for WHO/UNICEF staff, as well as EPI managers or other partner agencies which support immunization programmes.

Both the english and french versions are attached here.

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