I am developing an off-grid backpack with an inbuilt removal battery powered (8hrs) portable refrigerator that is approx 1.5 litre in size and can transport 2 blood bags. The off-grid backpack has 48hrs of battery supply to the portable refrigerator, however, it is designed to be recharged daily. Our vision is to provide a waterproof backpack that has in-built refrigeration that can provide additional electricity for lighting and other appliances that maybe be useful in the field and that can also provide continuous electricity supply to vaccines refrigeration. What I am trying to identify is if the 1.5 litre is large enough for daily vaccines missions and what other equipment can be used such as lighting, charging phones and laptops, providing power to smart devices to record data and if, needed, bring back blood samples under refrigeration is a benefit?

Also is 4g temperature monitoring and temperature control of the refrigerator a workable solution in most locations? My questions are:

1. What size refrigerator is required for daily vaccine missions?

2. Is there a requirement to bring samples back from the mission under refrigeration?

3. Is there ever a requirment to stay overnight during a daily mission?

4. What is the maximum amount of hours required for vaccine missions?

5. What other electricial equipment can be utilised if continuous electricity is availble?

6. Is GPS tracking of benefit?

Is there anyone who can assist me with the above information or provide any other information I may require to complete the development of system. If you wish to email me directly, please contact me on [email protected] 

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