Mardi 2 Janvier 2018
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  6.3K Visits

Dear viewers.

We the KVG team wish a happy new year and wish to share the post on BCG vaccination.

As a question of justice, world wants to end TB by 2030 – the major killer among infectious diseases often hand in glove with HIV / AIDS. India aims to achieve the same by 2025.

Specific vaccination with BCG vaccine – one of the oldest vaccine is iterated as the first strategy and more and more evidences are proving the efficacy of the vaccine in preventing the infection for about 20 years, which was underestimated. Being live attenuated, can protect against other mycobacteria helping in preventing leprosy and Buruli ulcer.

Nonspecifically, BCG has a role in the treatment of warts, bladder cancer. BCG vaccine is known to complement other live attenuated vaccines like OPV, Measles, in lowering the overall child mortality rate, more so on administering at birth.

In view of this we wish to share the post with the viewers.

Best wishes

Holla n Team


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