Samedi 28 Mai 2016
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Following the success of the first training session in December, 2015 on the use of the MULTiLOG2 Remonsys Ltd is planning to run a second training session in August this year.

Purpose and Objectives of the Course

The objective of this course is to equip delegates with the ability to install, configure and to operate the MULTiLOG2 system, to enable them to train others to understand the technology and how they can use it to make the best use of the recorded information to protect the vaccines in their care.


The course will be taught in English

A mixture of demonstration and hands-on training

A participatory approach will be applied during training sessions.

Training notes, manuals and handouts will be provided

Delegates Profile

Delegates should be field officers, either from local, national, regional, or international non-governmental organisations, independent companies or free lancers working in the cold chain.

Time Frame and Venue

Date of training: Thursday, 25th and Friday 26th August, 2016

Duration of training: 2 days. Location for training: Oxford, United Kingdom

Note: Delegates may require a visa so please apply early to your local British Consulate

Training Costs

There is no cost for the training course but attendees are expected to cover their own travel and accommodation costs They should bring with them a laptop computer running Microsoft Windows 7 or newer.

For further information: -

Please register your interest as soon as possible with Remonsys Ltd

E: [email protected]

T: +44 1993 886996

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